Monday, 14 March 2011

nasal balloons and menacing teeth

Have had Aden blowing a balloon using his nostrils for the past 5 days.  I think that leaving with just that sentence would make it sound like the opening line of an after dinner joke about a great party trick. Alas it does not fit this billing, rather more mundane but still quite amazing.  Aden had been diagnosed with a slight hearing loss, after we got him referred (you know the "it is more than just selective hearing" hearing).  The ENT doc told us he had fluid behind the ear drum in the Eustachian tube and to try the Otovent (look it up if you are a perplexed as we were).  Well we got, he used and after just 5 days the difference in his hearing is so noticeable. The TV is not loud to the point of deafening, we are not greeted with "huh" and "What" littering every other response.  To cap it all, apart from his ears popping he has actually been able to blow up the balloon with his nostrils.  I am sure if it weren't for the packaging it could be a party trick.  Now if it weren't for his top incisor milk tooth looking out at me every time it gets a chance to peek out all would be great.  This one tooth though is looking at me in a menacing way.  You can see it needs to come out but it is holding on firmly, well one side of it anyway and it has convinced him to not let me come near.  You can almost hear it whispering sweet nothings to him while warning him off letting me come close.  Roll on dentist appointment.  I have my eye on you tooth!

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